Tim Read Greens MP for Brunswick

What matters to you?

As our local MP, I’m fighting for our community. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.


Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.

Tim Read Greens MP for Brunswick

What matters to you?

As our local MP, I’m fighting for our community. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.


Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.

Hi, I’m Tim. A Brunswick local, here to represent you in the Victorian Parliament.


What I’m fighting for

I love Brunswick and our shared commitment to diversity and fairness. As a local, I want to keep Brunswick liveable.


I'm a Brunswick local and your representative in Victorian Parliament.

Hi, I’m Tim. I’m a dad, a doctor and medical researcher, and I’ve lived in Brunswick for over twenty years. 

Since 2018 I’ve been Brunswick’s MP in Victorian Parliament – and I’m the first Green to be elected here.

I’m committed to pushing the government further and faster on the climate emergency. We need to get Victoria off gas and coal, and ensure housing and infrastructure are developed sustainably.

I’m fighting to create for better conditions and protections for renters, more affordable housing, and I want new housing developments in our area to be planned with people, amenity and green space in mind – not profit.

Like lots of people in the inner-north, I ride my bike most places. And I want to see better bike lanes, and sustainable transport options in our area.

I’ve always loved getting out of the city and spending time in the bush. I’ve been on some great walks in the Otways, at the Prom and in Victoria’s high country. And I’ve rafted the Franklin River in Tasmania with my son. I want to see Australia’s forests, oceans and biodiversity protected from deforestation, mining, gas extraction and global warming. 

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Victoria`s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) needs to be strengthened.

Victorian`s shouldn`t have to accept the same old poor standards - now is the time for reform

Thanks to all the incredible people who came out to @black.spark_ for a screening of Southern Blast, a documentary explaining the damage done by gas and oil exploration in the Bass Strait.

If you missed the screening you can now watch the film on youtube for free (link in my bio). It`s an incredibly powerful film and the perfect excuse to invite your mates around for a winter movie night. @oceanclimatenetwork has a letter writing tool which makes it easy to write to your MP and take action to stop seismic blasting (link in bio).

Huge thanks to our panelists, Darren Noyes-Brown (Surfrider), Greta Carroll (OCEAN) and Samantha Ratnam (Greens) for sharing your experiences campaigning to save the Southern Ocean.

And if you want to learn more about ensuring a safe climate future, join @elleninmelbourne back at @black.spark_ next Thursday for a forum discussing which laws need to change to ensure a safe climate future.

Labor is letting tens of thousands of homes sit empty while so many struggle to find a place to live.

We need a housing system that puts people before profit. Everyone deserves a safe and affordable home.

21 students are facing suspension or expulsion over their participation in the Gaza solidarity encampment and occupation of Mahmoud`s Hall.

These students were successful in forcing the uni to disclose its relationship with weapons manufacturers and are now being targeted for their bravery.

Student protests have been at the forefront of reform throughout history. Solidarity with these students.

We need safe injecting rooms that have the capacity for resuscitation and other resources to save lives.

These synthetic opioids, fentanyl, nitazenes - they’re in pills, they’re in powders, they’re injected. They’re everywhere and they’re here now.

Labor, there`s no shame in a U-turn aimed at saving lives.

🎉 less investors, more owner occupiers!

Renters shouldn`t have to pay off a landlord`s property while struggling to save for their own futures.

We need less tax breaks for property investors and more affordable housing for renters and first home buyers wanting to break into the market.

Thousands of people pass by or through Melbourne General Cemetery every day.

At the moment, the cemetery is very dry and degraded, and a lot of the graves are in disrepair.

Across Australia and around the world, many cemeteries are maintained as peaceful havens and even tourist destinations. They can be beautiful picnic and walking spots, sanctuaries for local wildlife and a peaceful green space to remember the past.

Over the past few years, we’ve been working alongside our Greens councillors to get the government to commit to breathing new life into the cemetery, and recently they’ve started to listen.

But more work is needed. We need a whole picture plan and a commitment to making this the world class green space that it could be.

Let’s make Melbourne General Cemetery the best it can be: a lush local walking spot, an iconic place to commemorate those who have come before us, and a peaceful, green space to visit. Head to the link in Tim’s bio to learn more about our plan for this space.