Tim Read Greens MP for Brunswick
What matters to you?
As our local MP, I’m fighting for our community. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.
Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.
Tim Read Greens MP for Brunswick
What matters to you?
As our local MP, I’m fighting for our community. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.
Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.

Hi, I’m Tim. A Brunswick local, here to represent you in the Victorian Parliament.
A fairer voting system for Victorians
Brunswick Skyrail: Local voices for local issues
Stop Supermarket Price Gouging
Stop Seismic Blasting in the Otway Basin
Stop the Demolition: Save Public Housing
Better Public Transport & Accessible Tram Stops
Homes, Not Hotels
Save Live Music in Victoria
Keep Kids Out of Prison: Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Pill Testing Now!
Proper Funding for our State Schools
Emission Reduction Targets
I love Brunswick and our shared commitment to diversity and fairness. As a local, I want to keep Brunswick liveable.
- Tim Read

I'm a Brunswick local and your representative in Victorian Parliament.
Hi, I’m Tim. I’m a dad, a doctor and medical researcher, and I’ve lived in Brunswick for over twenty years.
Since 2018 I’ve been Brunswick’s MP in Victorian Parliament – and I’m the first Green to be elected here.
I’m committed to pushing the government further and faster on the climate emergency. We need to get Victoria off gas and coal, and ensure housing and infrastructure are developed sustainably.
I’m fighting to create for better conditions and protections for renters, more affordable housing, and I want new housing developments in our area to be planned with people, amenity and green space in mind – not profit.
Like lots of people in the inner-north, I ride my bike most places. And I want to see better bike lanes, and sustainable transport options in our area.
I’ve always loved getting out of the city and spending time in the bush. I’ve been on some great walks in the Otways, at the Prom and in Victoria’s high country. And I’ve rafted the Franklin River in Tasmania with my son. I want to see Australia’s forests, oceans and biodiversity protected from deforestation, mining, gas extraction and global warming.
Latest News
Community, News
18 Dec 2024
November news: Your new MP, Victoria end’s it’s MoU with Israel, an inquiry into Council Elections, and more!
Community, News
13 Dec 2024
October news: A second term of Trump, making pill testing law, and enshrining abortion access in the constitution!
Follow Tim
Three fetes in 24 hours.
The makers` stall at @mcpsfete at Merri Creek Primary and kids exploring the inventive box maze.
Buying seedlings at the @brunswick_kindergarten_ fete. Both fetes still open until mid afternoon today, good coffee and wonderful food.
And last night`s Brunswick North Primary School fete. Thanks Lois for the guided tour!
Extra votes for businesses and landlords? Sounds *real* democratic.
Authorised by Tim Read 1/31 Nicholson St Brunswick East, 3057
Have you voted for Council yet?
Authorised by Tim Read, 1/31 Nicholson St Brunswick East, 3057
Sanction Israel now. ...
Have you seen any motorcycle accidents on the northern end of Lygon Street? ...
A fantastic day to Ride 2 Work 🚲
Remember, creating more safe, separated bike lanes is the best way to get people out of polluting cars and onto bikes. It`s good for our health and the planet, reduces congestion and (in my opinion) is a lot more fun 🚲 #ride2workday #ride2work
Victoria`s public housing towers don`t need to be demolished. ...
Sanction Israel now. ...
Yesterday I met with local residents for a community BBQ and discussion about the Level Crossing Removal/ Skyrail project. These are some of the concerns they raised.
Thank you to everyone who came out for a chat. It’s so important to hear what local residents want from this project. If you couldn’t make it down, I still want to hear from you. Head to the link in my bio and fill out the survey.
Join me this Sunday for a free community BBQ and chat about the upcoming Skyrail project.
I`ll be at Bulleke-bek park from 12pm to 2pm, come down and say hi
It is a war crime to target hospitals.
Australia must sanction Israel. Words are not enough.
My thoughts are with all the healthcare workers in Palestine today, particularly those at Kamal Adwan, Al-Awda, and Indonesian Hospital.
How is the cost of living affecting your health?
As out of pocket healthcare costs increase, Victorians are finding it harder every day to access essential services. The Greens want to fix this to ensure that everyone (regardless of bank balance) can get the care they need. To do this, we need your help.
Have you:
️ Delayed accessing healthcare in the last 12 months?
Avoided seeing a doctor or getting a scan because of the cost?
Found it hard to get the healthcare you need?
Felt this impact your physical or mental health?
We want to hear from you and about what you think the government should be doing to improve healthcare access. This will better inform our health policies and ensure we’re fighting for you and the things you need.
Take the 5-minute survey (link in bio) and help join the fight to make healthcare accessible and affordable for all.
This month, the Victorian Government`s draft plans for the Brunswick Level Crossing Removal and Skyrail project were released.
I want to hear directly from you about any concerns or thoughts you have on this project and how it will affect our community.
Come down to Bulleke-Bek park, site of the proposed Northern Station, for a free community BBQ and chat on Sunday the 13th of October, from 12pm to 2pm.
Huge showing in Melbourne today.
52 weeks of genocide and Victoria still has deals with Elbit and the Israeli Defence Force.
Last week I met with Brunswick locals Mary and Muna who wanted to tell me about the floods in South Sudan and how climate change has displaced hundreds of thousands of people.
You may not have heard of the floods in South Sudan, they certainly haven’t received the same media coverage as natural disasters in Europe or the US, but it`s worth learning about them. These floods are an early example of permanent mass displacement due to climate change.
Schools, healthcare services, and food resources have been affected and in many cases cut off.
In Australia we know what it’s like to face natural disasters, fires, floods and droughts, worsened by climate change. But we are also one of the wealthiest countries in the world and have resources that many lack.
Australia is one of the largest exporters of fossil fuels in the world and we need to do our part in making the transition to renewable energy. If we continue burning and exporting coal and gas, more and more people around the world will become displaced by fires, floods, droughts, and other natural disasters.
I encourage everyone to visit the World Food Program page linked in my bio, learn more about the crisis in South Sudan and follow their advice on how you can help. WFP is trying to get basic supplies to people and helping local communities invest in flood resilience and preparedness.
Healthcare costs are spiralling out of control.
No one should have to choose between buying groceries, paying their bills, or going to the doctor.
Have you signed the petition for better buses? @we.sustain.cities needs 2000 signatures to get a debate in parliament so that we all have more reliable services with clean, electric buses!
Come down to my office at 1/31 Nicholson St, Brunswick East to sign or follow @we.sustain.cities on instagram and visit their next stall.
We need as many signatures as possible before Tuesday! Can you come down and sign? 🚌
How much of your pay goes to rent? ...
There`s a lot happening in Brunswick this month.
Head to my Facebook for links and send me a dm if you would like your event featured in next months update.
#Brunswick #carltonnorth #firzroynorth #princeshill
Critical Mass!
Sydney Road is such an important place for the Brunswick community and yesterday we came together for one of the biggest (and safest) rides that Brunswick has seen 🚲🚲
We need safe, separated bike lanes on Sydney Road, and accessible tram stops before the Upfield line is closed for level crossing removal. Huge thanks to @criticalmassmelb @sats_campaign @merribek.bug @yarrabike and @streetsaliveyarra and all the other groups involved for another incredible Critical Mass. Follow these groups to join the next ride and find other local cycling opportunities.