
Southern Blast is “a beautiful cinematic celebration of the wild landscapes, abundant marine ecosystems, and local communities that call the Southern Ocean coastlines home. The Surfrider Foundation film sheds light on one of Australia’s most urgent climate threats, and the local communities protecting our seas and our climate. As of this month, the Victorian Labor […]

Join Tim Read and Adam Bandt at the Carlton Farmers Market, 10am-1pm Saturday 15 June. Get your shopping done, pick up some free merch, and chat to your local state and federal representatives about the big issues.

Join Tim Read, Samantha Ratnam, residents and neighbours of 351 Barkly St for a community BBQ and discussion about Labor’s plans to sell off Victoria’s public housing and what we can do to stop it. We’ll also hear from public housing resident and advocate Fiona Ross, from Friends of Public Housing, to talk about her […]

Stop Labor’s demolition and privatisation of public housing. Last year, the Victorian Labor Government announced their plan to demolish all 44 public housing towers and displace over 10,000 residents. They want to sell off the land to developers for mostly private housing. Labor’s plan will force people out of their homes and tear communities apart. […]


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