Three people in wetsuits standing on the beach in front of a large crowd, and surfboards. Holding signs saying "Stop Seismic blasting"

Stop Seismic Blasting in the Otway Basin

Seismic blasting and offshore drilling for oil and gas spells disaster for our oceans – and for our climate. The science is clear – we need to be getting off gas, not opening up new areas for exploration. If these projects proceed, it will be years, even decades, until the gas comes online. We should be investing in renewable energy sources, not mining the fragile and biodiverse Southern Ocean for unnecessary fossil fuels.

What can I do?

  • SIGN the Greens petition on this page to stop seismic blasting!
  • OPPOSE the Otway Offshore Gas Proposal
  • JOIN the Greens and local community groups at actions and events.
  • ORDER a Stop Seismic Blasting sign for your yard, business or community space.
  • DOWNLOAD our ‘What can I do?’ guide and get busy!

What can I do to stop seismic blasting in our seas?

There are many steps you can take to save our seas from the threat of fossil fuel expansion. Together, we will build the momentum of this campaign until we win.

What is seismic blasting?

Seismic blasting is the first step in oil and gas exploration and poses a significant threat to our precious marine life and ecosystems.

The seismic blasting process involves ships towing airguns that blast powerful soundwaves through the water, rock and deep into the ocean floor, between 230-250 decibels every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week often for months on end. 

To put that in perspective, a jackhammer is 130 decibels. This is the point that causes pain in humans. 140 decibels is the equivalent of a jet engine at around 30m. 180 decibels is almost 100,000 times louder than this and causes immediate deterioration of hearing tissue.

We know that sound is essential to the survival of whales and dolphins and we should not be putting them at risk.

Allies campaigning for the Otway Basin

Below is a list of organisations you can get involved with by attending events, donating and sharing their message.

  • Surfers for Climate
  • Surfrider
  • Australian Marine Conservation Society
  • Friends of the Earth (FoE)
  • Otway Climate Emergency Action Network (OCEAN)
  • Southern Otway Protection Embassy (SOPEC)
  • Extinction Rebellion Victoria

Stop Seismic Blasting in the Otway Basin



have signed. Let’s get to




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