
This is the critical decade to stop runaway climate action. It’s not too late, but we need to act now.
People in Brunswick want to see an end to harmful prohibition.
Our streets should be safe for everyone, no matter how you choose to get around.
More protected bike lanes in Brunswick will improve safety for bikes, pedestrians and motorists, and will encourage more people to choose active transport – improving the health of our community and reducing pollution.
Everyone in our community deserves fair and equal treatment, no matter who you are or how much money you have.
We have a plan to create jobs, eliminate expensive gas bills and move to more reliable and sustainable sources of energy.
Let’s make Melbourne General Cemetery the best it can be: a lush local walking spot, an iconic place to commemorate those who have come before us, and a peaceful, green space to visit.
Governments should make sure there is enough affordable housing for everyone, and renters should be protected so they can enjoy a better standard of living.
We are calling on the Government to urgently freeze rents now before more people slip through the growing cracks in our rental system. 

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