My speech on Palestine outside the ALP State Conference

Over the weekend, I spoke at the protest organised by Unionists for Palestine outside the Australian Labor Party State Conference. It was moving to see hundreds of people gathered outside, early on a cold Saturday morning, to protest against the ALP’s failures on Palestine, refugees, public housing and more. I spoke about the ongoing genocide […]

Government Integrity & Operation Sandon

When I knew Liam* a few years ago, he was a dairy farmer on the outskirts of Melbourne. Liam would tell me of his dream, to sell his farm to a developer who had knocked on his door one night. He would pocket the millions and retire to a country town. There’s no money in […]

Rent Freeze Now

We are calling on the Government to urgently freeze rents now before more people slip through the growing cracks in our rental system. 

Protected Bike Lanes for Brunswick

More protected bike lanes in Brunswick will improve safety for bikes, pedestrians and motorists, and will encourage more people to choose active transport – improving the health of our community and reducing pollution.