Government Integrity & Operation Sandon

When I knew Liam* a few years ago, he was a dairy farmer on the outskirts of Melbourne. Liam would tell me of his dream, to sell his farm to a developer who had knocked on his door one night. He would pocket the millions and retire to a country town. There’s no money in […]

Holding the government to account

The Greens have just won a major concession from the state Labor government, which will strengthen the integrity of our parliament and make it easier to hold the government to account.  Working with the crossbench, we’ve managed to end Labor’s dominance of the powerful Integrity and Oversight Committee. Until now, Labor held a majority of […]

Sydney Road Survey Results Released

This post was first published on 21 May 2020. After almost a 12-month wait, and a clear attempt to bury them, the findings of the VicRoads survey on Sydney Rd have finally surfaced, thanks to a freedom of information request. The survey findings bring to light, something that I learned during the 2018 state election. […]

Cities around the world adapting to COVID-19

Cities around the world are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic by creating more space for people and bikes and the Andrews State Government and the City of Moreland must do the same. Riding bikes and walking allow people to exercise while adhering to social distancing, and as cities around the world consider lifting lockdowns, many […]